Test Engineer

Salary: Negotiable Job Requirements: Major in Mechatronics, Electronic Information, etc., familiar with C language, Java programming, computer science and technology, and software engineering. Job Responsibilities: 1. Main training directions: wafer testing, program development, equipment management, process technology, project management, etc.; 2. Possess strong learning ability and be able to actively think about and discover problems; …

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CIM Engineer

Salary: Negotiable Job Requirements: Major in Mechatronics, Electronic Information, etc., familiar with C language, Java programming, computer science and technology, and software engineering. Job Responsibilities: 1. Main training directions: wafer testing, program development, equipment management, process technology, project management, etc.; 2. Possess strong learning ability and be able to actively think about and discover problems; …

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Equipment Engineer

Job Requirements: Major in Mechatronics, Electronic Information, etc., familiar with C language, Java programming, computer science and technology, and software engineering. Job Responsibilities: 1. Main training directions: wafer testing, program development, equipment management, process technology, project management, etc.; 2. Possess strong learning ability and be able to actively think about and discover problems; 3. From …

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传统以硅制程为基础的电容指纹芯片。根据Omdia的数据,2019年屏幕指纹感测模组的出货量是2.28亿个,比起2018年的2,950万个有了674% Y/Y的年增长。根据Omdia出版的《屏幕指纹(FoD)技术与市场报告– 2020》显示,随着屏幕指纹的技术成熟,模组价格也到了市场上可接受的甜蜜点,预计屏幕指纹模組于2020年的出货量,将继续会有显著的成长幅度,可望达到4亿个以上。


身处移动智能时代,智能手机已是随处可见高频使用的终端产品,全球以及国内智能手 机以往享受功能机向智能机的过渡、4G 网络普及、智能机高端升级等红利迎来高速增 长。网络通信更新换代与手机形态、功能的变化颠覆行业固有格局,昔日的摩托罗拉、 诺基亚已沉寂落寞,4G 时期智能手机行业形成苹果、三星、华为、OPPO、vivo、小米 六大厂商瓜分天下的格局。5G 时代,智能手机终端厂商为了争取更多市场份额在外观 和功能方面的创新将大展拳脚、百花齐放。